Journey to Iconic Destinations

Find great places to stay, eat, shop, or visit in Japan. More places will be added soon.

The Most Popular Things to Do in Japan

Discover some of the best places in the land of the rising sun.

Three things that shape our travel decisions:

The Authenticity Test

When exploring a new attraction or experience, immerse yourself fully. Authenticity often lies in the details—the local flavors, customs, and interactions. Seek out places where you can connect with the local culture.

The Joy Factor

Joy is a reliable compass. If an attraction or experience sparks excitement, follow it. Maybe it’s the thrill of hiking to a remote waterfall, the anticipation of a vibrant local market, or the chance to witness a breathtaking sunset.

The Unexpected Detour

Embrace the unexpected. Sometimes the most memorable moments occur when you veer off the beaten path. Allow curiosity to guide you—whether it’s following a tantalizing aroma down a narrow alley or stumbling upon an impromptu street performance.

Map View

Use the “Map View” to find accommodations in specific areas, see available listings, and explore nearby options while planning your trip.